

Be sure to read the following before you register.

「eduroam」は、大学等教育研究機関の間でキャンパス無線LANの相互利用を実現する、 国際無線LANローミングサービスです。
eduroam (education roaming) is the world-wide WLAN roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.



Osaka University members can use the eduroam WLAN at each participating institution after registering at this page.Your agreement to the terms of use is mandatory.

同意事項(Terms of use)


 I agree to use my Osaka University Personal ID as the eduroam authenticated ID with the understanding that when I use eduroam at another participating institution, my Osaka University Personal ID will be recorded to their usage history on device(s) which are not managed by Osaka University.

※Your agreement to the terms of use is mandatory.


  • 申請から3日(本学の所定休日除く)以内にeduroamへ接続可能となります
    You will be able to use eduroam within three (3) business days of the submission of your application.
  • 申請から4日(本学の所定休日除く)経ってもeduroamが利用できない場合は、こちらへ連絡してください。
    If you are unable to use eduroam after four (4) business days following your application, please contact the ODINS Team by email.


  • 接続方法: 端末で無線LAN SSID“eduroam”を選択し、表示された認証画面で「大阪大学個人」とパスワードを入力して認証を行い、無線LAN接続を確認してください。
    Select the “eduroam” WLAN SSID on your device to connect to eduroam. Enter your “[Osaka University Personal ID]”  and password at the authentication screen and confirm you are connected to the WLAN.
  • ※必ず大阪大学内で一度接続確認を行ってください。
    ※Be sure to check your connection on campus before using eduroam off campus.
  • その他接続設定については「eduroam JP」のホームページをご確認ください。
    Please refer to the eduroam JP website for eduroam setup manuals. (Available only in Japanese.)


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